Cold Spring Clover
︎ 65.3mi (105km)
︎ 7662’ (2335m)
︎ 7662’ (2335m)
︎ 60% unpaved
︎ 30% singletrack
︎ 30% singletrack
︎ 8/10 difficulty

View of the Hudson from the North Beacon vista, August.
Trail Systems
- Hudson Highlands
- Clarence Fahnestock
- Cold Spring gravel
Nowhere else in the area can you find a sustained 1300’ gravel climb with such a spectacular view of the Hudson River - this ride will certainly start off with a lung-busting bang. Start your day off with a jolt of caffeine from one of the numerous cute cafes in Beacon (my favorite is Big Mouth Coffee). The “stem” of this route could be skipped if you choose to forgo the climb in favor of keeping it purely comprised of Fahnestock trails and classic Cold Spring gravel roads. Bring plenty of snacks - there’s not much along the way after leaving Cold Spring.
This route will take you through all three of the primitive bike corridors of Fahnestock: Schoolhouse, Roaring Brook, and Moneyhole. At times, they may feel like a hiking trail. Long Hill and Miller Hill are two significant paved climbs (the steepest section can hit 19%!) that follow in quick succession after descending out of Schoolhouse.
There are a few water spigots listed on the route but they may be turned off seasonally. Bring enough water or bring a filter as a backup.
This route will take you through all three of the primitive bike corridors of Fahnestock: Schoolhouse, Roaring Brook, and Moneyhole. At times, they may feel like a hiking trail. Long Hill and Miller Hill are two significant paved climbs (the steepest section can hit 19%!) that follow in quick succession after descending out of Schoolhouse.
There are a few water spigots listed on the route but they may be turned off seasonally. Bring enough water or bring a filter as a backup.

Scenes from the trail
Camping options
- Fahnestock
- Fahnestock (group camp, reservation req)
- Castle Rock Unique Area
Transit options
- Beacon
- Cold Spring
- Peekskill