Rotten Apple
︎ 33.5mi (53.9km)
︎ 3655’ (1114m)
︎ 3655’ (1114m)
︎ 65% unpaved
︎ 47% singletrack
︎ 47% singletrack
︎ 9/10 difficulty

Ives Trail, Tarrywile Park in Sept
Trail Systems
- Tarrywile
- Wooster
- Pine
- Hemlock Hills
- Liebowitz-Knapp
- Seth Low Pierrepont
Not your standard Dirty Apple route. Expect a lot of tech on these backcountry trails through Wooster Mountain State Park and Pine Mountain as you loosely follow the Ives Trail. Most of the elevation gain is in the first half. This is the most tech-heavy section of SRHT and most riders will be more comfortable on a full-suspension rig. Expect to take 4-6hrs to clear 17mi. There are no water resupply options once on the trails so either bring enough water or a water filter. Once clearing the singletrack section, you’ll ride on quiet, country gravel roads that are familiar to riders that have taken the Metro North Harlem Line.
This route can be ridden in reverse but, keep in mind, the shuttle train passes through the town of Bethel or Danbury less frequently than the Harlem or Hudson line. If you find yourself exiting late on the reverse route and the trains are too infrequent, head towards the Brewster train station instead.
This route can be ridden in reverse but, keep in mind, the shuttle train passes through the town of Bethel or Danbury less frequently than the Harlem or Hudson line. If you find yourself exiting late on the reverse route and the trains are too infrequent, head towards the Brewster train station instead.

Scenes from the trail
Camping options
- Tarrywile Park (reservation req)
- Salt Hill State Forest
Transit options
- Bethel
- Danbury
- Ridgebury
- Katonah
- Golden’s Bridge
- Brewster