Round Up
︎ 108.1mi (174km)
︎ 10,116’ (3083m)
︎ 10,116’ (3083m)
︎65% unpaved
︎ 59% singletrack
︎ 59% singletrack
︎ 8/10 difficulty

Tilcon Lake Trail, Stephens State Park in January
Trail Systems
- Round Valley
- Nassau/Springside
- Voorhees
- Columbia Rail Trail
- Patriot’s Path
- Stephens
- Allamuchy
- Tamarack
- Weldon Brook
- Dickerson Mine
- Mahlon Dickerson
- Rockaway
- Telemark
- Wildcat
- Jonathan’s Woods
Rewrite what you knew about New Jersey. This point-to-point bikepacking route is quite the treat (if you’re willing to start with an overnighter on a Friday night at a Round Valley campsite. My favorite site is #83W). Your first day could end at either the campground at Voorhees, Stephens State Parks or Mahlon Dickerson after a full day of mostly dirt. The jump track at High Bridge is a fun visit.
Most people would feel comfortable with suspension with knobby tires 2.1” or larger. Most of the trails are purpose-built for mountain bikes although sections like Patriot’s Path or the Highland Trail might require some hike-a-biking. Adjust your expectations and be prepared if you don’t meet hit your intended mileage - singletrack can eat up plenty of hours!
To reiterate, there are only 9mi of gravel. Most of this route is on technical singletrack.
Most people would feel comfortable with suspension with knobby tires 2.1” or larger. Most of the trails are purpose-built for mountain bikes although sections like Patriot’s Path or the Highland Trail might require some hike-a-biking. Adjust your expectations and be prepared if you don’t meet hit your intended mileage - singletrack can eat up plenty of hours!
To reiterate, there are only 9mi of gravel. Most of this route is on technical singletrack.

Scenes from the trail
Camping options
Round Lake Recreation Valley
- Voorhees State Park
- Stephen’s State Park
- Mahlon Dickerson
Transit options
- White House (wkday service only)
- Hackettstown (wkday service only)
- Denville
- Dover